Results: 81-100 of 220

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
81InDesign: Using Images995972023-08-042212
82InDesign: Using Text994482023-08-042560
83InDesign: Saving, Exporting & Transporting Projects995942023-08-045775
84InDesign: Errors & Troubleshooting995902023-08-0421976
85OBS: Recording942182023-08-042283
86OBS: Setting up Audio942172023-08-044287
87OBS: Setting up Sources942162023-08-0410294
88OBS: Setting Up Scenes942152023-08-041885
89InDesign: Creating a New Document993742023-08-041665
90InDesign: Applying Effects995822023-08-043063
91InDesign: Applying Gradients995812023-08-042356
92InDesign: Text on a Path or Shape994542023-08-0420963
93InDesign: Text Wrap994522023-08-042160
94InDesign: Layering & Object Arrangement994442023-08-042884
95InDesign: Using Guides993802023-08-0411085
96InDesign: Working with Pages993762023-08-042055
97Photoshop: Brightness/Contrast Adjustment919252023-08-0421418
98Photoshop: Vibrance Adjustment919262023-08-047291
99Photoshop: Levels Adjustment (Tonal Range)919242023-08-049063
100Photoshop: Information842452023-08-042933
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