Topics Map > Sakai > Sakai 23 Help > Rich-Text Editor (CKEditor)
Sakai 23 - Rich-Text Editor (CKEditor)
Sakai 23 - Rich-Text Editor (CKEditor)
Index of help topics for Rich-Text Editor (CKEditor).
Student Guide
- What is the rich-text editor (CKEditor)?
- What actions can I perform using the Rich Text Editor icons?
- How does auto-save for the Rich-Text Editor work?
- How do I enable or disable auto-save for the Rich-Text Editor?
- How do I set my preferences for the Rich-Text Editor mode?
- What are some keyboard shortcuts for the Rich-Text Editor?
Instructor Guide
- Video Tutorial Playlist for Instructors: Sakai Rich-Text Editor for Sakai 21 (Sakai 23 versions are forthcoming)
- What is the rich-text editor (CKEditor)?
- What actions can I perform using the Rich Text Editor icons?
- How does auto-save for the Rich-Text Editor work?
- How do I enable or disable auto-save for the Rich-Text Editor?
- How do I use headings to organize content?
- How do I create a link to a web site in a text box?
- How do I create a link to a Resources item in a text box?
- How do I embed an image in a text box?
- How do I embed a linked web image in a text box?
- How do I create mathematical equations with LaTeX in a text box?
- How do I embed a YouTube video in a text box?
- How do I embed non-YouTube videos in the text box?
- How do I embed an audio player in a text box?
- How do I record audio to embed within a text box?
- How do I add/edit a table in a text box?
- How do I set my preferences for the Rich-Text Editor mode?
- How do I check my content for accessibility?
- What are some keyboard shortcuts for the Rich-Text Editor?
- How do I add special characters to a text box?
- How do I change the left to right language direction?
- What items in Sakai have a stable URL that I can link to?