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iMovie: New Project Setup
iMovie, Version: 10.1.8. Be aware that different versions of iMovie will vary in appearance and functionality. Full Guide: View/Download
A new Library and Project needs to be set up in order to begin editing. Be aware that you can create multiple Libraries and each can contain multiple Projects, so make sure youre working for the correct Library and Project each editing session.
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iMovie projects are saved in Libraries. A Library acts like folder in that it bundles together and stores all the information for a movie, such as the imported media and edits. Always create a Library for every new movie project.
To create a new Library:
- Start iMovie. Click through any welcome screens.
- Navigate to File > Open Library > New. Rename the library and select a storage location. If youre working in the PLU library Design Lab, save to the User Storage or a flash drive.
- When done, click Save.
The new Library will be added in the column to the left, with an Event for the current date. Events in iMovie are sub-folders, inside which media will be stored.
If using a shared computer, close out of any other open Libraries to avoid accidentally working in the wrong one. To close a Library, right-click it and select close library from the pop-up. Closing a Library doesnt delete it from the computer.
Be sure to keep track of the Library file because it contains all media and data. To share the project with a group member, or transfer it to a different computer, the Library file is necessary.
After a Library is created, and before editing can begin, a new Project needs to be created.
To create a new Project:
- After creating a new Library and closing irrelevant ones, the Projects tab should open. If not, navigate to it from the top of the window.
- Create New and select Movie from the pop-up.
The Project will be named My Movie by default, and it will appear under Project Media in the column to the left. To rename the Project, navigate back to the Projects tab and enter a new name in the window that appears.

To import media, such as videos, photos, and audio clips:
- Click Import Media from the Browser, or the down-arrow to the top-left.
- Navigate to the location of the desired media files.
- Select the files. Hold the Command or Shift keys to select multiple.
- Click Import Selected.
Imported media is stored in the Browser. Video files will be marked with their duration to the top-left, photos will have a camera icon, and audio-only files will appear as a green waveform. More media can be imported at any time.

- Sharing & Transporting: The Library contains the entire project and all its components and is the only file needed for sharing and transferring.

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