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Photoshop: Cropping
Version: Adobe Photoshop CC 2021. Be aware that different versions of Photoshop will vary in appearance and functionality. Full Guides: Photoshop: Images, Photoshop: Graphic Design
Use the Crop tool to get rid of unwanted parts of an image or document. Be aware that the Crop tool crops the entire Canvas and all layers. Use the alternative method described below to crop only a single layer within a multiple-layer document, such as when creating a collage or layout.
Expand each section below to see its content.
To crop an image/entire document:
- Select the Crop tool in the Toolbar, and handles will appear around the Canvas.
- Un-check delete cropped pixels from the Options Bar to avoid permanently deleting parts of the image.
- Click-and-drag the crop handles to change the cropping area. Everything within the crop box will remain, but the dulled-out areas of the images will be cut when the crop is confirmed.
- Click-and-drag on the image itself to reposition.
To exit cropping without saving, click the Cancel icon in the Options Bar.
To crop a specific object/layer:
- Select the desired layer in the Layers panel.
- Using one of the selection tools, select the desired object/area (see Photoshop: Selection Tools for more details).
- Navigate to Select > Inverse. This will select everything in the layer except the desired object/layer.
- Press the Delete key. Only the originally selected object/area will remain.

The method above will crop an object based on the selection tool shape (rectangle, circle, etc). Cutting objects more closely along their edges requires a technique called masking (see Photoshop: Masking for more details).
- Photoshop: Information
- Photoshop: Creating a New Document
- Photoshop: Interface Overview
- Photoshop: Undoing Changes & the History Panel
- Photoshop: Layering & Object Arrangement
- Photoshop: Selection Tools
- Photoshop: Painting Brushes
- Photoshop: Cropping
- Photoshop: Resizing
- Photoshop: Masking
- Photoshop: Drawing Shapes
- Photoshop: Using the Pen Tool (Custom Paths)
- Photoshop: Adding Text
- Photoshop: Colors
- Photoshop: Color Balance Adjustment
- Photoshop: Vibrance Adjustment
- Photoshop: Brightness/Contrast Adjustment
- Photoshop: Levels Adjustment (Tonal Range)
- Photoshop: Face Retouching
- Photoshop: Saving & Exporting

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