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OBS: Configuring Preferences
OBS (Open Broadcaster Software), version: 23.2.1. Be aware that different versions of OBS will vary in appearance and functionality. Full Guide: View/Download
When using OBS for the first time, there are a few settings that need to be configured before recording. Use the following steps to properly setup your OBS for screencasting. This configuration only needs to be set up once.
To configure settings for screencast recording:
- Click "Settings" from the Controls panel to the bottom right. The Settings window will appear.
- Click Output from the menu to the left and adjust the following settings:
- Set the desired storage location.
- Click Browse next to the Recording Path field.
- Navigate to the desired location.
- Click Open.
- Select the Indistinguishable Quality, Large File Size from the Recording Quality drop-down.
- Select mp4 from the Recording Format drop-down.
- Click Video from the menu to the left.
- In the Base (Canvas) Resolution and Output (Scaled) Resolution drop-downs, select 1920x1080. This ensures that the recorded video will be in HD.
- Click OK when done.

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