Topics Map > Getting Started with Technology > Media Checkout Equipment

Media Checkout Equipment

Instructional Technologies offers a variety of equipment that can be checked out for digital media creation and classroom support. DSLR cameras, Microphones, and digital audio recorders are just a few of the items that are available. Students, faculty, and staff can reserve and checkout equipment from the Help Desk in the Library from 7am-5pm on normal working days. Scroll down the page to see a list of Equipment Guides, and a palette of different equipment for specific uses below. Reach out to with any questions, or contact the iTech Help Desk.

Equipment Guides & Instructions

Video Production Equipment

Video Production Equipment

Click each square for a larger image.

Photography Equipment

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Recording and Presenting Equipment

Recording and Presenting Equipment

Click each square for a larger image.





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getting started technology quick-start student students equipment recorders video checkout reserve reservation 
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