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Zoom: Optimizing Connectivity

Zoom web conferencing, 2021. Be aware that different versions of Zoom will vary in appearance and functionality.

A successful Zoom session requires a stable internet connection and compatible device. Please refer to Zooms list of system requirements to ensure your device and connection speed are sufficient. During a meeting, Zoom automatically adjusts quality settings to maintain the connection, and you can optimize your sessions in the following ways: 

Move device closer to wifi access point:
If using a wireless device, moving closer to the modem or router can improve connectivity. If wifi is not reliable, try switching to a wired connection if possible.

Restart your computer before the session:
There are several benefits of regularly restarting your computer, including resetting your internet connection and clearing your RAM. 

Only access necessary programs:
Before your session begins, close out of all programs that will not be used during the session. This ensures that the programs will not be using additional bandwidth, trying to access your webcam, or utilizing your devices processing power. If any browser tabs are open, make sure no large files are being downloaded or programs are updating in the background.

Turn off HD video:
In the video settings tab, ensure that "HD" is unchecked.
turn off HD button
Turn off your video feed when not necessary:
Turning off your video feed saves on bandwidth and computer processing power.

Mute when not speaking:
This saves bandwidth for all attendees if everyone mutes when they are not speaking. Audio takes far less bandwidth than video, but this is something that can help.

Screen sharing tips:
Sharing your screen allows you to share a window or your full desktop. It takes additional bandwidth to send an additional video feed. When considering sharing your screen during a meeting:
  • Only share when necessary and end sharing when done to save bandwidth for you and the other viewers.
  • If possible, share a window over a full screen, and make the window size smaller. Sharing smaller windows uses less bandwidth. 
  • If sharing a full screen is necessary, change your computer's display settings to a lower resolution. This is important when using devices that have high resolution (like high performance monitors or Microsoft Surfaces).
  • When screen sharing a video, use files that are stored on your device or from a DVD, rather than a streaming service to save bandwidth.
Schedule a test call:
If you are still experiencing connection issues or have other questions and want to schedule a test call, email and let us know. We are happy to meet with you.

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Keywordsweb conferencing, virtual meeting, distance learning, online, video, call, chat, remote, recording   Doc ID107100
OwnerJanelle B.GroupPacific Lutheran Univ
Created2020-11-10 17:29:00Updated2023-08-04 16:29:48
SitesPacific Lutheran University
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