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Google Sites: Publishing a Site

New Google Sites, 2021. Be aware that different versions of Google Sites will vary in appearance and functionality. Access Google Sites at

When the site is complete and ready to go live, it will need to be published before people can visit it. Double-check your site to ensure that all the required content is present and has been proofread. Always Preview the site and make final adjustments before publishing.

To publish a site:
  1. Click the Publish button to the top-right of the page. A new window will appear.
  2. Type the name of the site, without spaces, under Web address. This will be added to the end of the URL for the site. If the title is already taken, try again with a new address.
  • The URL for the site will start with, "".
  • Under Who can visit my site, ensure Anyone at Pacific Lutheran University is displayed. With this setting, only visitors with a current PLU email will be able to access your site. To change this setting:
    1. Click "Manage."
    2. Under "Links", click "Change."
    3. Click the drop-down next to "Published site," and make a selection (Restricted, Pacific Lutheran University, Public, Remove Link).
    4. Click "Done."
  • Click Publish when finished to confirm and publish the site.
    a screenshot of the publish screen
  • After the site is published, click the Copy Published Site Link button (chainlink icon) from the top of the window. Paste this into the desired delivery method (email, Sakai assignment, etc)

    To adjust the web address after publishing, click the drop-down menu next to the Publish button and select "Publish Settings."

    To unpublish, click the drop-down menu next to the Publish button and select Unpublish. This will take the site offline.

    To adjust the sharing permissions, such as to make the site publicly accessible, refer to the Google Sites: Site Sharing & Visitor Access document.

    Editing After Publishing

    Edits can still be made to the site after publishing and will not show on the live site without republishing. After additional edits have been made, re-publish the site by clicking the Publish button again to confirm the changes. A page will appear that lists the pending changes to the left, and has a side-by-side comparison of the draft and currently published site.

    To confirm changes and re-publish, click the Publish button the the top right.

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    Google Sites, Google Apps, workshop, Nursing, portfolio, website, publish, guide, web, site 
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